FDIC Digital Signage
CNB Debit Card Alerts

Debit Card and Account Alerts

Premium Texting

Our text alert service allows you to instantly keep tabs on suspicious card activity.

At County National Bank, we want to make sure that using your debit card is always as safe and convenient as possible. That's why we use text alerts as part of our ongoing fraud monitoring program

How it works:

With text fraud alerts, if our system detects suspicious activity on your card, you'll receive a text message with details about the suspected transaction. All you have to do is respond to the text to confirm the transaction. If you indicate the transaction is fraud, you'll receive another message with a number to call for follow-up. If not, you're all set. The system will mark the transaction as legitimate and you can get on with your day - simple as that.

Getting started:

If we have your mobile phone number on file, you don't have to do anything. It's really that easy. If there is suspicious activity we'll send a text right away. Just remember that CNB will never ask for your account number via text. If you need to verify or update your mobile phone number, please give us a call at 888-322-1088.


Your Account Fraud Alert System (YAFAS)

What is YAFAS?

YAFAS stands for Your Account Fraud Alert Service. It’s an automatic alert service that monitors your account(s) and instantly e-mails you within minutes after it locates an electronic transaction that will be posted to your account.

How YAFAS Works For You

Early each morning, YAFAS will track your transactions that are processed through the electronic network, known as the ACH system. These are trans­actions that will be posted to your account today or a day in the future. With your permission, YAFAS will send you an e-mail each morning at home or work, informing you of the electronic transactions that will be posted to your account.

If you see a withdrawal that you did not authorize, you will be able to return it before it creates an overdraft to your account causing good checks you may have written to bounce. You can feel confident knowing that you are being immediately alerted each time electronic transactions are sched­uled to be posted to your account.

Download the application below and bring it into your local branch to sign up for YAFAS today.

Fraud Alert Sign Up

man paying with debit card at restaurant

ATM & Debit Cards

Access your money quickly and securely with a CNB ATM or Debit Card.